European Approach
Online ToolkitWhat is European Approach?
The European Approach for Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes has been adopted by the Ministers of the European Higher Education Area in Yerevan on 14-15 May 2015.
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EA introductory training
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Understanding European Approach
Learn about the standards for quality assurance of joint programmes in the European Higher Education Area

Where to begin?
Check our recommendations and tips for higher education institutions on how to begin using European Approach.
About ImpEA Project
The European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes has been developed within the ImpEA project. The main aim of the project was to support efficient implementation of the European Approach. The project has been funded by the Erasmus+ program and carried out by an international consortium of higher education institutions, quality assurance agencies and international associations.
Learn more about the ImpEA project:
Key documents
European Approach in my country
European Approach to Quality Assurance of Joint Programmes can be used for accreditation purposes in most of the European Higher Education Area countries. European Quality Assurance Register provides most up-to-date information on the availability of the European Approach across EHEA. This includes also overview of the current local legal conditions or limitations in its use.
Check the EQAR page to learn about the situation in your country: